Trenbolone Enanthate

200 mg/ml
10 ml

Trenbolone enanthate is the long acting ester of the nandrolone based steroid trenbolone acetate.
Dosage (Male): 200-600mg per week
Dosage (Female): (generally not recommended for women)
Dosage Frequency: Every 3-4 days
Dosage Type: Intramuscular injection
Active Half-Life: Approximately 10 days


Product Information

What is Fusion Trenbolone Enanthate:

Trenbolone enanthate is the long acting ester of the nandrolone based steroid trenbolone acetate. The androgenic/anabolic ratio is 500/500 causing it to be significantly more androgenic and anabolic in nature than testosterone itself. There is no conversion to estrogen and the progestational activity is moderate. The half-life is approximately 8 days with a detection time of up to 5 months. Fusion offers trenbolone acetate in a 100mg/mL 10 mL vial.

What does Fusion Trenbolone Enanthate do:

The characteristics of trenbolone have made it a very popular and versatile steroid among bodybuilders, strength athletes and recreational users. Whether you are looking for strength, mass or leaning out, trenbolone is able to do all of them. Igf-1 is increased more so with trenbolone than other anabolics and increases the body’s efficiency at turning over new muscle tissue. Protein synthesis and nitrogen retention are significantly increased along with red blood cell production. Glucocorticoid hormones are also inhibited making trenbolone very anti-catabolic. Even on a hypo-caloric intake some are able to add mass while using trenbolone. Trenbolone also has the ability to have a hardening effect on the body and this is one of reasons why many use it during contest prep or if they are in any type of leaning out phase.

Side Effects:
Trenbolone enanthate does not aromatize to estradiol but progestational activity may cause side effects similar to those seen with estrogen. Suppression of testosterone, oily skin, male pattern baldness, body and facial hair growth can occur. Trenbolone also can cause night sweats, insomnia and for some an increase in aggression that potentially alters natural mood. Females need to be concerned with the virilization effects of trenbolone along with skin texture being affected, menstrual cycle disruption, a potential deepening of the voice, and clitoral enlargement. Although trenbolone is not 17 alpha alkylated and not considered to be hepatotoxic, those using larger doses and for extended periods of time need to be aware of the potential rise in liver enzymes. HDL cholesterol is potentially lowered and LDL cholesterol increased. While subcutaneous fat loss is seen easily when using trenbolone there is a possibility of visceral fat being stored. Maintaining consistent cardiovascular activity is important while also including a high quality EPA/DHA fish oil (3-4g/day) can assist with keeping cholesterol at healthy levels while on a cycle. As with other anabolic steroids it also recommended for the consistent user to give blood regularly to avoid polycythaemia, a thickening of the blood. A proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended to follow in order to get natural testosterone functioning to adequate levels or switch to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels.

Reasons to take Fusion Trenbolone Enanthate:

The primary reasons users take Fusion trenbolone enanthate are increased strength, increased lean mass and an improved recovery ability. Trenbolone is well known for its ability to positively alter body composition. Other characteristics such as power, speed and endurance are also improved. Users can also expect a ‘fuller’ feel and harder look to their muscles as well.

How do you use Fusion Trenbolone Enanthate:

Trenbolone enanthate has never been approved for human consumption so it’s unlikely one were to ever be given a prescription for usage. The information available on experienced users seems to only be available in underground circles of athletes willing to share feedback. Dosages range in the 200-400mg/week range and potentially more depending on the experience of the user and how aggressive a cycle they are intending to carry out. Injections are broken up evenly into multiple shots (2-4) administered through the week. Cycle lengths range from 8-12 weeks in length. If mass is the goal then stacking with a base of testosterone cypionate or enanthate and an oral like anadrol or dianabol is often used. If lean mass or more of a cutting approach is the goal then using EQ, masteron enanthate and/or winstrol or anavar is leaned towards. Cycle lengths can range from 6-12 weeks. Trenbolone enanthate is not recommended for female users due to the long acting ester nature and its significant high androgenic nature.

Safe Injection Practices

Make Sure You’re Injecting In The Right Place

The easiest places to inject are your glutes, quads or delts.

Injecting into these bigger muscles is much easier, but you still want to be careful to avoid any blood vessels or nerves.

GLUTES – Usually glutes are the largest and safest place to inject. Divide them into four, you want to inject into the upper, outer quarter. This is so you don’t hit or damage the sciatic nerve, which runs down the center of your glutes.

QUADS – Your quads are the next safest muscle to inject into after your glutes. You need to inject into your top outer thigh, half way between your knee and the top of your hip.

DELTS – Injecting into your delts can be a little scarier because the muscle is smaller. The injection should be given 3-5cms from the top, in the middle of your delt.

Cleaning Your Injecting Site Correctly Helps To Prevent Infections

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before any injection.
  • Wash your injecting site with soap and water as well, or clean the area with a single wipe of an alcohol swab. Scrubbing at your skin with the alcohol swab can spread bacteria around.
  • Allow your skin about a minute to dry before injection.
  • If using a multi-dose vial, swab the top of the vial before and after you draw.

Injecting Into A Muscle Step By Step

  1. Draw up with an 18 gauge needle, then swap to a 25 gauge needle for injecting.
  2. Insert the needle at 90 degrees to your injection site. It should go in most of the way (1" to 1.5").
  3. Draw the plunger back slightly to check you haven’t nicked a vein or artery. If you have, you will see blood in the syringe. If this happens remove the needle and apply pressure with a clean tissue or swab.
  4. Keeping your injecting less than 2ml of fluid into each site – helps reduce your risk of infection.
  5. Inject slowly – 10 seconds per 1ml is a good pace.
  6. Remove the needle and apply pressure with a clean tissue or swab.
  7. Replace the needle cap and dispose of used syringe and needles in a proper bin.

Get Some Medical Advice If You Have:

  • any redness, pain, warmth, swelling or blistering at the injection site, or any feeling of chills or fever – you could have an infection or abscess
  • a feeling like an "electric shock" when injecting, or any type of ongoing numbness or tingling – these could be signs of nerve damage


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website ( are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The legality regarding anabolic steroids, growth hormone, and other performance related drugs vary from country, state and province. If any drugs are illegal according to the laws governing in your country, state and province, please do not engage in their use.

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