Frequently Asked Questions

What currency are your prices in?

The prices are in CAD (Canadian dollars)

Will you price match?

Yes, absolutely. If you find an identical product from another Canadian web site not only we’ll match the price we’ll also give you an additional 5% off. Note that this must be a web site. We do not match email sources’ prices.

Why am I not getting your emails/payment instructions?

Sometimes our emails will go to your SPAM/JUNK folder. If they do, please put our email address on your “safe list”. If you don’t hear from us in 12 hours, email us at [email protected]

Where do you ship?

Canada ONLY. There are no exceptions.

Where do you ship from?

We ship from Canada. No customs involved at all

How do you accept payment?

  • Etransfer

What is your turnaround time?

Orders ship the next shipping day (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) after clearing payment. We do not ship on the weekends. If you place an order on Friday your order and payment must be complete before 4pm EST. If you order on Saturday your order will be shipped Monday morning. If you order on Sunday your order will be shipped Monday morning.

What type of mail do you use and how much do you charge for shipping?

$25 flat rate Canada Post Xpress (2-5 business days depending on location).

Do you ship to PO boxes?


Do you provide a tracking number?

Yes. Once your order ships you will get an email with a tracking number. You can check your order shipping status at

Turn around time is approximately 24 hours we ship our orders fast

Why is my tracking number not showing online?

The tracking number appears online 3-5 hours after the package was dropped off.

What if Canada Post loses my package?

Normally if Canada Post loses your package it’s 100% your loss. If canada post says “delivered” we consider it as delivered. Statistically speaking a lost package is an extremely rare occurrence. Out of 1000 packages, only 1 or 2 will be lost.

Is there a risk of seizure?

Impossible. All mail shipped within Canada does not go through customs, therefore, domestic mail cannot be seized. Moreover by federal law domestic mail can only be opened by the receiver.

By mistake I gave you a wrong mailing address. What happens now?

If you provided us with a wrong or incomplete mailing address we will not be able to retrieve your package. Please double check your mailing address before ordering. We will not be responsible for your mistake. If the package is sent back to sender it’s lost because our return address is fake.

Is signature required on delivery?

It is not unless you request it.